Wednesday, 15 November 2017 at 3pm (registration from 2.30pm)
Guinness Hall, Barneys Church, 57-61 Mountain St, Ultimo.
At this year’s AGM we invite CRC members to participate in, and vote on, two significant aspects of CRC operations:
- The transfer of CRC’s registration of as an incorporated association to a public company limited by guarantee, with consequential passing of the new Constitution;
- Nominations to the CRC Board of Management.
Transfer of Registration
Last year CRC was contacted by NSW Fair Trading and instructed to move from being an Incorporated Association to a Company Limited by Guarantee. Incorporated Associations are designed for small organisations with budgets less than $2 million. CRC has operated at a budget that exceeds that figure for a few years now.
The process of moving to being a Company Ltd by Guarantee has amongst other things involved the development of a new Constitution – in line with the Corporations Act, and overseen by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission rather than NSW Fair Trading which currently applies. We have been working with legal firm Holman Webb to guide us through this process for the past six months or so.
Most of the changes in the Constitution do not have an impact on the day-to-day operations of the organisation. One area of change however, is the change to the membership structure (The section referring to voting and non-voting membership is under section 14, page 6).
At the next AGM, to be held on Wednesday 15th November at 3pm, all CRC members present will be invited to vote on whether to approve the transfer of registration of the Association as an incorporated association to a public company limited by guarantee, and as a consequence will pass the new Constitution.
Please read this notice of AGM, which includes more detail of the proposed changes to the legal structure of CRC, and a copy of the proposed Constitution. If you have any concerns or questions about the proposed changes please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you plan to attend our AGM, please email or phone (02) 9288 8700.
Nominations to the Board of Management
We are now calling for nominations to the CRC Board of Management. There are ten positions on the Board, with eight positions consistently filled since the last AGM. It is anticipated that all of these current Board members will renominate to hold positions on the Board, leaving two positions effectively vacant.
The CRC Board of Management is a vital part of the organisation. CRC has a number of legal, financial and governance responsibilities, and all Board members are accountable for ensuring these are properly monitored and carried out. The Board is also pivotal to ensuring CRC maximises its organisational capacity. We seek Board members with a diverse range of skills who will have a strong commitment to CRC’s vision and values. The Board meets six times per year (including the AGM), generally in the evening, and Board members are expected to commit to attending and participating in all meetings. Participation in subcommittees may also be required. Board positions are voluntary positions.
If you are interested in nominating for the Board, please complete the nomination form attached here. Please note that because of impending changes in the organisation’s structure, nominations are being accepted for a one-year term only. The form will need to be signed by two members of CRC and be returned by close of business on Wednesday 1st November 2017 in a sealed envelope addressed to the Secretary, or scanned and emailed to Please include a brief resume and statement as to why you would like to stand for the Board, along with your nomination form.
If there are more nominations received than positions vacant, elections will take place at our AGM.
PLEASE NOTE: You must be a current CRC member to nominate for the Board.
CRC Membership Application
We encourage you to renew your membership for the current financial year as soon as possible to allow voting at the AGM, or nominating for the Board. Please note the item on the form regarding Transfer of Membership.
To return your membership form, please scan & email to or post to Community Restorative Centre, PO Box 541, Broadway NSW 2007.