Pathways Home

The Pathways Home Program is throughcare case management service for young people aged 10-24 who are involved with the criminal justice system and would like support around their alcohol and/ or other drug use.

Pathways Home Transitional Workers support young people in custody in the lead-up to release, offering specialist pre-release support and planning and long-term holistic case management in the community.

To be eligible for this program, young people must be residing in or intending to reside up release in the Greater Sydney metropolitan area*, which includes the following areas: Eastern Suburbs, Inner West, Northern Sydney, South Eastern Sydney, Sydney, South Western Sydney, and Western Sydney.

*Excluding Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains, and Wollondilly LGAs.

Outreach Work

Case management is provided on an outreach basis. We recognise the hurdles many young people face on release from custody and that previous contact with the criminal justice system can make it challenging to access support services. We aim to provide services that are accessible, free from discrimination, and safe for all our clients.

How We Work

Pathways Home puts the young person at the centre of case management. Support is holistic and can include assistance with various issues such as sourcing accommodation, physical and mental health, social and emotional wellbeing, education and employment, family connection and legal needs. We provide respectful and culturally appropriate support in helping young people achieve their goals.

Referral Process

Ideally, referrals are received two to three months prior to release to facilitate pre-release engagement and planning. However, we understand this is not always possible and encourage all eligible clients to refer.  Priority is given to young people currently in custody.

Young people in custody who would like to be referred to the service should contact relevant staff in their correctional centre or juvenile justice centre. This might be a SAPO, parole officer, juvenile justice worker or case manager. NGO organisations can also refer on behalf of a young person, and young people can self-refer using the referral form or by contacting us through the details on our Contact Us.

The referral form can be accessed here. Please fill in as much detail as possible to assist with our intake process and email it to You’re welcome to contact CRC directly on (02) 9288 8700 or through our contact us page if you need more information.

The Pathways Home Program is funded by Western Sydney Primary Health Network and NSW Health.

→ Client Flyer
→ Support Worker Flyer
→ Program Poster
→ Pathways Home Referral Form